three, the presentation of the small business commission certificates of honor, recognizing jerry sanguinetti, dan mckenna, john wong, and nick elsner, of the department of public works, for their work with t-mobile food permitting. >> as you know, the gentleman join me in recognition have completed a project that was probably a couple of years in the making, trying to get a mobile from the program together -- a mobile food program. the gentleman behind me were able to develop the program, implemented program, and really, for the small on to conners who are now benefiting and making a living, i do not think we can thank them enough, so we recognize each of you. our commendation. also, i would just like to say that when the city be worse for small business, small business works for the city, and i just really want to thank you for that. on this monday, the small business commission is proud to make knowledge the contribution that jerry sanguinetti, dan mckenna, john wong, and nick elsner, and their co-workers, that they have made. they have been willing to take on the structure, and they have