. >> they laughed at the students, they called them the jerry springer crowd. >> one of the most outrageous examples of recruiters overselling their programs was this one. where a recruiter explains to an agent that he can make up to six figures after graduating from a barber training program. >> we have some students making maybe $600, $700, $800 a day. >> in fact, those government agents found that recruiters at all 15 for-profit schools they tested made deceptive sales pitches. >> 15 for 15 is a wake-up call. >> a wake-up call that you got caught and you may have to change. >> a wake-up call that whatever the schools thought they were doing is clearly not enough. >> harris miller is an industry spokesman for the schools. >> you acnauknowledge that the wrong-doing is on going even as we speak. >> unfortunately, yes. we haven't gotten rid of all the bad situations. i'm not sure what the sources are, but we have a zero tolerance policy. once in a while, you have to take an employee and take them out in the back and shoot them, not literally. >> and scrow have to do it before i come and call