just can be things that can be done by germany. germany cannot play an actor, jerry walden as part of the world. how close would you say we are to a military confrontation over taiwan? i'm really worried that we might have a military confrontation with within the next 5 to 8 years. i was washing d. c. last november and the same people who said that they're very scared, said we will have the military conflict between hooton's russia into grain. this winds are also set and they were right about that. they also says it's and they are very scant that we may have military conflict between china and taiwan was in the next 5 to it is. so this is from something that can be can be resolved by now that's the only way to resolve it is military things will be shown by the countries in the region as to be shown by american state as united states. that ought to be shown by korea and japan. marcos father, member of the defense committee of the german bonus tag and head of the german taiwanese association. thanks. well, the 1st cargo ship to leave ukraine, since the russian invasion is under inspecti