jerusalen gomez does her job of collecting names with pride.the governing socialist party has begun to intercept and distribute food. anyone on her list can go to a local address and get some. but opposition supporters probably won't be getting one of these chickens to take home. jerusalen gomez: our door is open to anyone who comes in peace and supports the good intentions of our commander, so so that he may achieve something in support of our cause. that's the truth. reporter: for gomez, supporting the socialist ideals of commandante chavez and president maduro offers plenty of perks. that's true even though the new president has helped tip the country into a deep economic crisis. jerusalen has computers, a couple of televisions. and believe it or not, four refrigerators -- two of them still in their original packaging. the others, well-stocked. jerusalen gomez: unfortunately i can't show you any chickens. i'll get them later. but we don't want for anything. we have milk, flour, and rice. humberto lopez: i promise you, the party officials hav