and attorney general and jery brown to deal with the civil service inadequacy in the city san francisco. thank you for your time >> next speaker >> good afternoon [inaudible] at the executive committee nob nab there was a mugging of culture artistic democracy when they approved a replacement-the destruction of the last side [inaudible] it is replaced with [inaudible] we sent a let toor the art commission the mayor and you among others just a week ago and that caused the visual art committee which normally handles the projects to turn it over to [inaudible] i read exerts from the letter and after i will show images. supervisor [inaudible] strongly opposes the third side of the mural on the library back wall and its complete re new mural [inaudible] just a few year ago all the following individuals and agency supported the renovation of all or some of the murals. the library commissioner and director of the culture affairs supervisor tom [inaudible] kaiv udcampus and susan [inaudible] singer song writer [inaudible] the commission and library commission approved this project when it was cr