jess brevin, tell us about the chief justice. >> the chief justice when in private practice and working the solicitor general's office, considered one of the best supreme court advocates of his day. someone who can easily internalize an argument whether or not he agrees with it and express it quite compellingly. we saw that in many arguments and certainly we saw it yesterday where qui cogently articulated both sides of the debate, and, therefore, left it somewhat side he most fully believes in. so that's why most observers say along with justice kennedy, chief justice roberts, ultimate decision in this case may not b members of the court. what he's saying there, however, again, and this is frequent in supreme court arguments, they say things which have tremendou lawyers. what he is doing, refer tng in the early 19th century regarding the federal commerce power, and other federal powers, esnt if that power exists, then the congress and the federal government cand. and so, therefore, and not because among other things, the constitution gives congress the power to enact anything necessary