you see, there's a time for that, just like jess was right for him to grieve, to begin that journey. but then there was a time for him to say, i'm going to step out of this, take off this cloak, and i'm going to put on a new cloak that gives my life purpose. (gentle music) - i knew in my heart i had so many people to thank. and i went back to the fire department. i went back to the ambulance. i thanked all these doctors for doing everything in their power of saving our son. and to this day, i have still people to thank. it took me about seven months to recover. i tried going back to work, but i couldn't take it. so theresa and i, we took off from sacramento and drove all the way to san diego, and we stopped in as many police departments and sheriff's departments and thanked them for participate in our son's funeral. not knowing if they were there or even if that department was there, it didn't matter. and by thanking them, they would give us the patches. and so we went from here to san diego, from here to the oregon border, from h