caroline: ringing true of bob diamond and is fat -- and is to be said about jess daly.could begin in the dumps up in the next two weeks. -- the thumbs up in the next two weeks. he jumped ship to become a -- heat as he was passed over for promotion jpmorgan. to take over over for diamond himself. they thought he was in the running before we saw antony jenkins take the helm. the former ceo jenkins -- he found it difficult to deal with investment banking unit in the shrinking of it. they are getting rid of the trading but downsizing to reduce the overall risk. they are focusing on expansion. equity capital markets. there is area for growth. overall, there are some of the best performers. instinct areas of the boost in returns, doubling in share price. that is the key target for barclays to achieve in the next three to four years. taley.h call for jes s long way to go. this is what investors want to hear. white we are seeing the share price down today as well as of the banking industry. is there real concern that he could expand the -- these will be the rest of the banks. t