jesse redmond fawcett was one that i discovered as a black female writer, another black female writer. let's about jesse redmond fawcett, who all of these poets and and i had never heard of her and i stand on her shoulders. and so i think it it's what i'm not thinking about the future as i'm writing fiction, i'm thinking about raising up these voices who have been erased from history for various reasons. and then hopefully they'll stay alive into the and i think that's all is something that i think about i choose the women that i write about very. mm hmm. again, can i jump in? you said something that was a trigger for me, a raising of voices. you know, for me would be this this book black people are my business. toni, kate bombards practice of liberation. it would be i want people to really appreciate and pay attention to and toni kate bombards liberation impulse that you can't create that you that is very easy to create art that really teaches people how to know and become this is a person who is a community and a writer and and is interested in cultivating relationships between wome