jesse dixon, you're under arrest for the murder of ashley reed. stand up and put your hands -- no, you can't -- you can't arrest me. i wasn't there. i wasn't thehe! it doesn't matter that you weren't there. your little senior prank was actually a criminal conspiracy, and when someone gets murdered during the commission of that crime, it's felony murder. please, there e s no conspiracy. you just admitted you were part of a gang. but i quit. i did. a long time ago. oh, come on. we're supposed to believe that? it's the truth! okay, so you quit, but not before telling them you were gonna be going out of town. and now ashley is dead. i swear to god, , had no idea they were gonna hit my houou. i would've warned them ashley was there. i loved ashley. okay, so, who are they, the rest of your merry pranksters? i-i know about dennis, but who else? please. you're asking me to ruin the lives of my friends. you just said you loved ashley, and her life looks pretty ruined to me, don't you think?! they didn'n'just steal from your parents. didn't you notice? they