jesse seinfeld was also no ordinary doctor. he had served as nixon's surgeon general before he was canned, in his opinion, for denouncing the tobacco industry too forcefully. he also submitted testimony on shimp's behalf. the judge presiding over the case at the new jersey superior court was moved by this celebrity testimony, but he was also moved by the argument that donna shimp herself had made to bell's corporate brass, that if the switchboard equipment was precious enough to merit a smoke-free environment, then surely, so, too, were the bodies of employees themselves. a company which has demonstrated such concern for mechanical components should have at least as much concern for human beings, the judge wrote. new jersey bell had a common law duty to provide employees a safe and healthy work environment, which for donna shimp, meant an environment free of tobacco smoke. in wresting the right to a smoke-free environment from her employee, donna was at the vanguard that i read about in my book. cigarettes were a testament to f