celebrities starting with the president, but also arnold schwarzenegger, your former governor, jesse venturaho were dismissed when they first thought about running for office. what's your take on the challenge that kid rock might pose? >> well, you know, i ran, of course. and had been a comedian. >> yeah, you're one of these celebrity folks. >> i'm familiar with being discounted. debbie stabenow is a great senator. she's done an incredibly great job on the ad committee as chairman and the ranking member, she is great on mental health, she's been a leader on that, that's something i care a lot about. i'm going to be supporting her against whomever that nominee is, and i think that kid rock will have to make his case. >> senator al franken, thank you so much, good to see you. we'll have you back soon. republican senator rand paul of kentucky, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> you played a key role in the collapse of the senate republican health care bill, mitch mcconnell is trying to revive it, he's looking to hold a critical vote as early as tuesday. to begin a debate over the h