detectives determined kt embry met up with another friend, jessica diehl. all three left the concert together on the shuttle bus. >> i got a picture of her when we were driving. we were riding the bus. >> bree and her friends were dropped off at the sands regency center hotel, the center of the party crowd that we can. as kt recalls, nothing felt out of place. during that time, meet anybody new, anybody that later seem suspicious to you? >> there was nothing that seem suspicious. >> about 2:00 a.m., jessica decided to leave the party and head back to take key's to crash. she later told police she said good night to her friends, then went outside and flagged down a guy driving an suv in the parking lot, a total stranger, to get a ride home. >> i could've probably easily walked but i was freezing so i just got a ride in the parking lot. someone was leaving. it was a bad idea. >> coming up, there was something else bad happening in the area. >> the previous month, there had been a strange sexual assault, a reduction in the same neighborhood. >> when dateline c