i'm jessica joseph a parent of a kindergartener. >> i don't have a speaking. >> oh, you need it, it's right here where you are oh hi and i didn't put my name on it. >> ms. joseph we have a board policy you're not permitted to speak is this our first board meeting. >> this is my second i have a speaking with my name on it. >> so the rule it has to be simpleminded before t your name is called i'm permit this one time. >> thank you but good evening thanks for everyone for coming out i'm a parent of a kindergartener and a preschoolers at betsey carmichael elementary school and i'm here to urge funding for the program so my daughters have the opportunity to be a part of filipino cultural and my intent to have them pickup on the tagalog language everyone that i know speaks tagalog speaks more than english that's spanish and some format or form of mandarin a good governor terry mcauliffe gateway for learning about other cultures not only tagalog but other spanish as well as japanese or mandarin asking for equal opportunity to try to make the funding a little bit more equal between the progra