one of the other soldiers was jessica lynch. and you witnessed a little bit about what happened with jessica lynch's story. so talk to me a little bit about what the media sees, the story that is portrayed, and the reality, and how you feel about the fact that you're really in the crosshairs of that. >> it's difficult, you know? when we came home, lynch had already been rescued. we came home, and there were so many different stories about what happened, and things like that. and we're like, "none of this happened. where is this coming from?" of course, we got to talk to her before anybody else did. and she was at a loss, too, because she hadn't been allowed to speak to any reporters and stuff at that time. so i don't... we really didn't understand where these stories were coming from, how they were blowing these things out of proportion. so it is eye-opening to be on the other end of things, not just as someone reading the paper, but as the story itself in the paper. >> hinojosa: did it make you angry? does that... >> it got me