. >> agee shares her snacks with jessica roberts, a former classmate she ran into this jail. >> we nevereally hung out in school. but we knew each other. >> i'll see you. >> see you. >> jessica, long time no see. we'd gotten together and talked. yeah we know the same people. so it was like -- it's good. >> when agee will return to her life on the outside is uncertain. but she says when she does, her goals are simple. >> i want to be able to have something, like an apartment and a little piece of crap car. but something to call mine. and a place where i can go home with my kids, you know? and live like i'm supposed to. a normal life. but when you're doing this, you kind of really don't know what normal is. >> agee's activity over the past two years has included drug addiction and several jail stays. she says her slide began when a friend introduced her to heroin. >> she was like, just try it one time, just try it. and i was like, all right, screw it, i'll do it. and it just was awesome. really bad to say that, but it was. >> now agee faces more serious consequences than ever before. she i