that is jessica salimy from the department of public works, brian woo with the municipal transportation agency, that's me, and nicole widdler with the mayor's office. so i'm going to go ahead and share my screen. i did prepare materials. could i have sharing abilities? and i'll also talk through the slides of course. thank you for your patience. great. i have screen-sharing abilities. are folks able to see this. for folks with your cameras on, can i get a thumbs up? thank you, brian. you should see slide two which is a list of topics. can you see that for those who are looking? yes or no? >> yes, this is denise. sorry to interrupt. thank you. >> thank you. i appreciate it. you know, today's presentation will be very short and quick. we want to leave the majority of the time for comment and feedback from the council as well as public comment. i just want to give you a quick overview of where shared spaces is today. there have been key questions that the director and staff have helped us to identify. i just want to make sure we get information out there to our disability community and of