jessie ka stand is the best talk show host, kfax 1100. is the best [speaker not understood] and you can download 3,000 of the sermons from the first of february 1969 to this february's broadcast on satan, what is he like. [speaker not understood], family radio is the best radio station because family radio kear is the only radio station that reads the bible and it's the the only radio station that reads good books. they're presently reading f.w. krumacher's book, elijah the tishbite. today is acts 26. paul is before king agrippa. he stretches forth his hand and says i'm really happy to give my defense to you today because i know you're familiar with the prophecies about the messiah in the old testament. he said, i used to persecute this way, this christian faith. i went after them and it was on my way out of israel into syria on the road to damascus when jesus christ knocked me off my horse and i saw this bright shining light and he said, saul, saul, why do you persecute me? and he said, delivering you from the people and from the