i will be speaking and bob will be speaking and so will jessie lorentz. in the room we have bob in the community. we also have bonnie of access northern california over here to the house left. we have christina here at the house right. jessie lorentz from the living resource center and via hale representing seniors and my cochair ed ruskin. and of course role and wong who is part of our accessible advisory committee. can i have the slides on the screen please. so in our presentation today we are going to be talking about the problem, the process and the recommendations. and our first slide up on the screen is a good visual image of part of our problem. what we see is a man in his car. a person with a disability. you can see he has a hand control that he uses to operate his vehicle and he has a parking placard. the problem is not that he has a placard, the problem is that he could find the parking he needs close to his destination. i have an example of that problem and i would like to actually turn to my fellow presenter jessie lorentz and ask her to share