many people don't know jessie shockley's name and she's been missing about the same period of time and the stories are similar. >> shockingly similar. what did you think about how baby jessie went missing? >> i was highly disturbed and especially since she's been missing for so long is an area of concern for me as well. the fact that she was watching with her older siblings and no one knows where she went. she vanished out of thin air. >> does it help or hurt, everybody would want to find this child no matter what, but when a family member comes out and says something like that, does it help the case in that it gets the attention, here we are talking about it, or does it turn some people off, do you know what, of course, it has nothing to do with race? >> and there are people that would say that, that there is no issue with race when it comes to missing kids. we know that it's different and any parent of a child who is missing of color understands the difference. i feel it's wonderful that the parents and the families have reached out and it's starting to get some national coverage tha