. >> garcia says his life used to be influenced by the devil, but on the day of his arrest, he heard a different voice. >> almighty father in the name of jesustarted praying, god, help me, god, help me. he spoke to me right there and said, look, if you serve me the way you were serving this clown, i can make things so much better for you. >> garcia says now his focus is only on his family. though separated from his current wife, he has eight daughters from four different women. the daughters range from age 3 to 20. >> i just love them and i never mean it to turn out this way. never. i never meant to abandon them, never meant to leave them alone. but those little consequences we have to go through, you know, for the things we do. >> when it comes to consequences, however, drug dealers and their children are not alone. katie ellis has been thinking about the consequences of her actions. >> being in jail definitely puts it all in perspective how off track i've gotten. i mean, i used to have, like, major dreams. i never thought i'd shoot up, but i got my track marks. it's just, wow, what am i doing? but still, i love it. i guess that's the addic