a nice compliment from the president of latin universal, jesus lopez, was that this is what we need toagain. we need to remind ourselves of how beautiful this music is. so it's not unlike what we did with "unforgettable." tavis: you said something a moment ago and i know what you meant by it, but i want to just press you on it a little bit to get more out of you on this, and that is this notion at this stage in your career, at this stage in your life, at this age of your life, on the one hand, you admitted that you're out of your comfort zone. on the other hand, you said, "but it feels so good." >> it does. tavis: i raise that to ask you to say more about that, because there's so many people, for a variety of reasons, whatever they're called in your profession or life's task is, we don't want to be pushed out of our comfort zones. >> right. tavis: but in that, you have found a certain joy, i take it. >> absolutely. i was talking to a few other artists. i went to a convention of radio people. i hadn't been in 30 years, probably, and it was so great to meet some of the deejays that used