whether at question time or before this committee, about why he has taken no action on removing jewell gomez from the library at the recommendation of the ethics commission. when you begin drafting language for a charter change on the composition of the ethics commission and additional changes to increase transparency in city government, there needs to be an enforcement and penalty added to the powers of the ethics commission, such that even the mayor should be penalized when he fails to take action on a recommendation that has taken years to wind through a hearing of the ethics commission, two years before sunshine task force member sue clausen's case even had a hearing. you may or may not at the conclusion of the ethics commission hearing that found miss gomez had violated the sunshine ordinance, i went to congratulate her being the first person in city history to have been found violative by the ethics commission, in the first person in city history to being referred to the mayor for removal of office. when i approached her to congratulate her, she flipped her jacket at me trying to strik