. -- jewell maycern talk about this -- -- joel may talk about this. say yount licensing to are a journalist or you are not come a depending on what they want they. fox news says that many sources will not talk to them at all. and this is not just the in which there have been routinely lie detector tests given to government officials. reporters naturally do not want to get into trouble. the insider tips program. in the aftermath of the revelation of weeks to wikileaks in the news media, president obama ordered and insider tips program throughout the government. not many people know about this. people have been told to monitor any suspicious outside activity including communications with the press. the director of the project on tells met secrecy this has created internal surveillance and made people advocates in the press. the third issue -- administration have held a message for political advantage, but senior officials of this administration have what they call "unauthorized contact with the press discouraged." kind ofnot want any leaks to the news m