little way way back when now you've told me you're 69 and i'm not speaking out of school there are the jiddu that that if pay off doesn't. know because you have to remember dad has so let you know a little bit about my background i was a waitress at the buttercup bakery in berkeley california to the age of 30 making $400.00 a month and and i had been a waitress from the day i graduated for 7 years i had been a waitress and i never thought i would be anything more than a waitress and when you're making $5000.00 a year truthfully you know back then this was like 1980 now when i was you know what 29 and it was you didn't have money to put away but oh my god i wish i had because the truth of the matter is let's say you are $25.00 and you're putting $100.00 a month away into a roth ira and a roth ira is simply a retirement account that you can have with funding with after tax money so it all grows tax free for you and you put a $100.00 a month away every single month the same amount of money that you spend on starbucks i'm sure are $1.00 of your viewers does and you do that every. single month fo