a woman named jigonhsasee. virginia abrams: jigonhsasee was the first clan mother.ms: when the nations were warring against each other, she would take them in and feed them. and she kind of kept the war going on, so the peacemaker came to her and asked her to refrain from keeping this warring goi on between our people. narrator: jigonhsasee's stockpile of corn perpetuates the bloodshed by feeding the warriors. the peacemaker strikes a deal with her. (roaring) if she can stop the war, she can choose the chiefs. (fire crackling) man (speaking native language): ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ narrator: jigonhsasee transforms tadodaho's mind and he abandons war. because of jigonhsasee, clan mothers hold the power to appoint or dismiss chiefs. jemison: she earned for our women the rights, the responsibilities, and the privileges that they have until this day. (fire crackling) narrator: and tadodaho, in exchange for accepting peace, is appointed the keeper of the central fire and chief of chiefs, the most powerful leader. ♪ ♪ his name becomes a title that is handed down to this day. when our