unsung hero with the library system that does tremendous work but sometimes never gets acknowledged, jill bourn and thank you for all of the work you do. great work. all right. are we ready to go into the library? absolutely. thank you for your patience. our tradition with all of the branch improvement programs when we do a ribbon cutting is to do the cutting and then the lion dancers from the joe ming athletic association will lead the way to do a traditional chinese blessing of the building. so we ask for your patience and then as soon as we walk through the first floor, we'll open the doors for the community. thank you for your patience and thank you for being here. and enjoy your richmond. senator milton marks library. ♪ >> there has been an acknowledgement of the special places around san francisco bay. well, there is something sort of innate in human beings, i think, that tend to recognize a good spot when you see it, a spot that takes your breath away. this is one of them. >> an icon of the new deal. >> we stood here a week ago and we heard all of these dignitaries talk about the symbol