>> testifier: i'm jill fehrenbacher. the local mom. activist and journalist.i want to speak to biodiversity and say i appreciated presentation we saw earlier. i think that every sickle person in this room supports biodiversity. they've mostly people care deeply about the environment. where all environmentalists. that's why were at this meeting. i think where there is disagreement is over what biodiversity means.. the definition of its and basically what that means. to me, biodiversity means having as many species as much like in an area as possible. herbicides are the very definition of them . herbicides bean plant killer. when you kill species you lose biodiversity. something i think is important to point out and if you talk to the scientists, they'll agree with you, the herbicides that are being used do not selectively only target non-native species. they are broad herbicides. they kill everything they come in contact with. they kill not only plans but they have toxic affect on animals as well. mammals,, insects and each herbicide is different and you can re