does jill filipovic does she have kids? i don't know. being a stay at home mom and probably not providing to your not providing any data at all whatsoever. all she isan is a bomb throwing attention who wants to igniten a mommy war . we've had actual wars right now so women don't need to be pitted against eachh other. yeah. ag and men don't need to beains despised for a made up problem . yeah. you know what ? my mom was a stay at home mom not because she didn't work. it's because we kept her in the basement anyway. r in the basi didn't turn out li turned out. i'm a very successful nonsexist individual with lots of women friends, etc. stuff like that . yeah, you you get you done.[lau] i can try a ton of talking if helpful. i actually want to throw my support behind this . kids, c yes. i because if i ever have kids i can use it as an excuse to not stay home with them.ight? right. yeah. sorry babe. i don't want to raise a bunch of misogynists so i'm going to go out. yeah i'm going to go out. and party. >> all right. always good to find an al