i'm jill fox, a resident of india basin since 1992, and an advocate for the parks of india basin since at least 1999. you guys were still meeting at the lodge, and you couldn't find india basin on a map of the city. so we've come a long way, and as you can imagine, i'm very thrilled to see our park planning going forward. i am also the chair of the india basin neighborhood association, and we have generally approved this. we do have concerns. some were mentioned, but i wanted to make sure that these don't fall off the list. we are concerned about the lack of a dog area in all of these parks, and we need to confirm that. it was mentioned at herron's head but it's a really long way to assume that that's going to to be our community dog park. for the boat launch, we really want a boat launch there, but one that really works. i open my neighborhood blinds, and that's what i see everything morning. we're not convinced that the tides are being taken into consideration. we're really worried that this beautiful pier is going to be in the mud much of the time. we understand that research has be