(jill hodges) the first wave of pollution caused poisoning of cows and fish were both dying along theer. so it impacted anybody that was trying to raise beef or dairy. it was virtually unusable. (gay webb) pollution kills so slow. that's what happened to hartford. it killed it so slow that you didn't see it dying, even though at the end of the day, the little town was no longer there, the schools were sick, people were sick. (jill hodges) when you live in a town whose population is about 500 people, and a majority of them have cancer, you know, you know what's going on. you may not know how it's going on, but you know there's something wrong in your community. but when you're going to funeral after funeral or helping with cancer patients th are your friend and family, you know there's something desperately wrong. (millie buchanan) people downstream saw a significant difference in the water. fish died. there were reports of cows dying or livestock dying when they drank out of the water. over the years, that became clear too that human health seemed to be affected. (jill hodges) when we