. >> good afternoon, my name is jill nielsen i'm the program director for adult protective services. it's located within the department of aging and we are part of the human services agency. i appreciate you squeezing me in. it's a very interesting topic and i know we've talked about a range of different issues. from the adult protective services side what we are seeing is a real increase in a number of cases that are involving what we are consider to be self neglect. adult protective services in addition to investigating an intervening of cases involving physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, we do intervene in self neglect situations and in fact about 50 percent of our cases involve self neglect. we receive about 500 reports every single month. we've only started tracking cases that are specifically hoarding and cluttering cases in the past 6 months what we are seeing is we have receiving up to 50 cases a month that might involve what might be more severe incidents of hoarding and cluttering and we have overlapping bedbug cases that we do receive, and increasingly adult