program and deputy director, jill nielsen, have been part of the conversations to incentivize people to enter the programs. jill has taken leadership in a lot of different ways, and she always does, but this is something they really pushed at the state level, and i appreciate very much her efforts, along with her colleagues. the funding mechanism is there is an a.p.s. s. innovation program to the department of social services. and the department of social services is sub subcontracted with calswic. and they provided matching funding for the grant. what this means is we'll be able to have stipends. there is money for eight stipends. for interns. and the doss is funding two additional stipends for a total of 10. this isn't really new for us -- they've definitely had this on the child welfare side for many, many years, where they provide opportunities for internships, and for education for people who want to become social workers and who really want to continue in the field. one of the issues around this -- one of the reasons it is important is it really does address some equity issues.