jill stein, a candidate for the green party, extremely sharp person, very smart, good ideas, no public profile whatsoever. if you have higher profile people that are willing to cast their lot by -- to try to shatter the duopoly, you can imagine slight chinks in the armor of the empire. until that happens -- but i'd rather haveberfully sanders in it than not. except it gives legitimacy to the anointing of a bush or clinton or some other -- >> drop in commodity prices. >> we're on cnbc right now. >> i have five seconds. >> less than that. >> well, look, i think the drop in commodities is a positive thing. clearly there's been a massive reduction in the ability for a number of corporations such as shell to make a lot of money. but the move that obama allowed to drill in the arctic, shell pulled out which didn't last very long. there's going to be desperate desire by the corporations to find more and more resources, which is difficult with the current economic situation. a drop in commodity prices to me actually -- that to me is a positive. if, if it leads potentially to some kind of great