open to new possibilities for creating messages so that if they are detected they'll be understood jill tarter from saturday told me once that we tend to think about aliens as earthlings on steroids is it likely that we will be similar in appearance and how do you how do we wait thinking about it this way. you know there are some aspects of our bodies that we might find in other species for example we're bilaterally symmetrical the left in the right hand side of us looks pretty much the same but why would we expect the extraterrestrial to have say only two hands you know we see very intelligent creatures on our own planet with very different body types the octopus has more of a radial symmetry there's more of a circular symmetry to it and there is also the possibility of having multiple appendages so i don't think we can count on the extra terrestrials looking like us i think jill is right that we we tend to think of aliens as humans on steroids because that's frankly what it's cheapest for hollywood to make but instead we may even encounter intelligence that is not biological at all but creat