jim in south carolina: neil, as the man said on tape, i'm expected to obey the law. why don't the illegals and why doesn't government have to obey the law? excellent points, both. allisonikely we would be shot. more than likely, allison, i think you're right. even in france. in fact, in france they do shoot you. go figure. rick via gmail, why can't you learn how to shut up and listen? you constantly interpret your guests. very irritating. rick had other things to complain about, but i just deleted the rest of the e-mail because i was hungry and i couldn't deal. carla e-mails, you sound callous to me. you sound clueless to me. steve, what if we turned your parents away at ellis island? you seem to have a double standard. no, steve, just illegal immigrants. my parents went through a process and a very laborious process. if everyone barged into your house for dinner, let's say thousands just banged at your door, would you feed 'em all? cameron writes: i don't know about you, cavuto, i but i'm a christian and believe in helping my fellow man. so am i, cameron, but not at the expense of all legal men and women. life is unfair, you're a bombastic charlatan who's regrettably