and almost all hollywood stars could be sent to jail, from tom hanks to jim belushi. everyone, the only way out is not to imprison anyone, but according to the principle of anglo-saxon case law, this also follows one inevitable consequence: the rich, powerful and famous receive lifetime immunity from prosecution for any crime. it’s clear, no one will say this directly, occasionally, probably, someone will even be tried for harassment or illegal parking, but those mortal sins that are criminally punishable, they have now been forgiven in advance to the top officials of world politics and economics according to trump and his his comrades also hope that bill clinton has some kind of authority, if not the law, then at least accomplices. this is a game of strength saying, you belong to me, epstein showed who in their relationship is the master and who is the servant. this is a naive delusion, the clintons no longer have masters, just like the bushes, winsers, gay bills, zuckerbergs and other public. they are taken beyond the limits of any forms and types of law, and are al