for more on the market and its reaction, let's bring in jim bianco, president of bianco research. jim, thanks for joining us. let's start with the big picture here. the market clearly at the mercy of the fiscal cliff and all the comments coming out on it. are you confident a deal can be done for christmas and how do you see this playing out? >> no, i'm not confident a deal can be done during christmas. the fiscal cliff is the deal. it was the deal to stop the debt ceiling negotiations from last year that created the super-committee which didn't wind up doing anything. i'm not going through all of that terrible history again and both sides are very dug in and i don't think there is going to be a deal. that's where, i hope i'm wrong. i hope they have a deal. i also don't think the markets have been really focusing on this at all until the election. so up until three weeks ago the markets were not discounting anything in terms of the fiscal cliff. and that's why every time john boehner says something or the president says something or harry reid says something we get violent movements