a coward, bt she's not the only person, we have looked far and wide for more and we came across jim brewerast member who just canceled some of his shows because the venues were forcing attendees to take in ejects and they didn't want. it was kind of an amazing conversation. here's some of it. >> let's not kid ourselves. there's something deeper involved here i'm sure.er >> tucker: you think? you mean it's not really about covid? >> [creepy laugh] the project is working just perfectly. >> tucker: [laughs] >> i don't know, rebellion, send out more fear! >> tucker: [laughs]'t >> shutdown universities as quick as possible and they shall never be educated and less they get the shot! i love it! [weird noises] did you send out the word that needs to be sent? trust the science, trust the science, trusthe the science. >> tucker: it's -- i've -- -- >> trusting experts, trusting experts, read all about it! trust the experts! it's so comical, but yet the fact that nobody -- i shouldn't say nobody. people pretend it doesn't exist, or they don't see it. mind-boggling for! mind-boggling. mind-boggling. >