. >> republican congressman jim brightstein toured one facility in his home state of oklahoma and joinss from tulsa. we spoke with you before your tour yesterday. what did you learn? >> the stories of human tragedy are verified, a lot of the children quite frankly don't even make it to the united states. the scenario is very bleak. there are parents in the united states that have been smuggled here who are here illegally and they're attempting to get their kids here. in many cases they're paying coyotes who then pay transnational criminal organizations in northern mexico, as your previous story indicated, mexico is a very dangerous place, northern mexico. there are 70,000 to 100,000 dead bodies in the last seven years as a direct result of the organized crime and of course the criminal organizations they're not just killing each other, gangs and cartels, they're killing judges and police officers and in many cases politicians. this is a bad scenario. so for the parents that are in this country illegally, if they're paying coyotes or criminal organizations to transport their children int