matt unger is the program director for the food bank of iowa and jim cain is executive director for the family promise center of greater des moines. again, appreciate both of time during busy holiday season. why don't you just start, each of you, by tellings us a little bit about your organizations? >> jim: family promise of greater des moines provides shelter to homeless families with children. >> amanda: mmhmm. >> jim: we do it through a network of 12 congregations here in the des moines s ea. >> amanda: ok. >> jim: and they provide the overnight accocoodations one wewe every quarter. >> amanda: ok, and m mt? >> matt: a a the food bank of iowa is a 501c3 non-profit organization. we operate a network of food pantries, soup kitchens and the like in a 55 county area to provide for the clients that need those foods. >> amanda: ok, so busy time of year for you guys. >> matt: very much. >> amanda: it goes without saying. jim let's start with you, you do receive some of your funding from state and federal grants. >> jim: mmhmm. >> amanda: so, because of that government reliance, how closely