. >> let's bring in jim cavanaugh, retired fbi special agent in charge and former hostage negotiator. also an msnbc contributor. jim, thank you for being here with us. want to pop up the map to give people a lay of the land. this is considered to be the miami gardens area of miami-dade county. we're told this incident happened shortly after midnight where people were outside this club, a banquet hall for a concert. the authorities are saying the suspects got out of the vehicle, an suv, three of them and shot indiscriminately into the crowd. >> we haven't gotten any word on whether the people have been apprehended. jim, before we ask you any questions, we have some sound of when this was called in. >> multiple patients with gsw, reask you response, palmetto. >> about three to four patients. i have one patient shot below the groin, second patient shot in the abdomen, third patient shot in the arm and the leg, patient number four is below the knee. >> obviously gsw standing for gunshot wound. we don't always like to report initial police chatter because some is unconcerned. so far, heari