couriers. aclu said that case is wrong. and that she needs help. but jimd not talk about it in his report there. >> i told charles payne last night, this is ridiculous, we live in country someone can go to jail longer for first nonviolent offense, than someone who raped a child, this is wrong. dikim kardashian, she has more followers than majority of people in the world, she can bring a reach many other experts, law professors, would never be able to bring, we put her mind and abilitying it with experts in the field we could make a difference, it is incredible what she is doing, really sad to see people being hypocritical and slamming her because she is going for president trump's help and she is kim kardashian, that is wrong. liz: what is behind media criticism, claims they are tolerant, but they are gatekeepers to who is acceptable to visit the white house, is it a real problem they don't like trump, they never thought he belonged in the white house. >> you may be on to somebody. i think acosta does everyone a disservice when he attacks a person who is v