jim doty: okay. al indications that these remains are cari. liz golyar: okay. jim doty: okay. keith morrison: meanwhile, said detective doty, he was hoping liz could help establish a timeline, like when was the last time liz saw cari. well that was easy, said liz. one brief encounter when liz went unannounced to daves apartment back in 2012. liz golyar: i didnt know he was dating anybody else at the time. jim doty: mm-hm. liz golyar: so she came out and i was going in. jim doty: mm-hm. liz golyar: and she made a smart comment to me. jim doty: whatd she say to you? liz golyar: called me a bitch. jim doty: okay. okay. liz golyar: and it wasnt a big deal. i didnt really care at the time. i just wanted to get my stuff. and then i left and went home. jim doty: okay. thats the only time youve ever seen her in person? liz golyar: yup. keith morrison: she told detective doty that it was dave who blamed cari for all those harassing messages over the years. but just as she had told detective avis, she now thoug