some witness was unreliable. >> in fact, gwen gurley, who recanted her original testimony against jim duckettecanting by an investigator working for the duckett family. >> this man is at my house. if i was hanging up clothes he was behind the clothesline. he was always around. he never let my life at peace. so i told him what he wanted to hear. to leave me alone. what he told me happened, i said okay, it happened. the only reason i even agreed to do this interview was just on record to let it be known that the last time i saw teresa mcabee, she was in james duckett's police car. that's the last time i saw that little girl. the next time i heard about her, she was dead. >> earlier in his investigation, marshall frank was urged to meet with detectives from a sheriff's office in a neighboring county. until now, frank hadn't thought it was important to do so. >> someone told me that james duckett was being investigated by another agency. so i go to the polk county sheriff's department and talk to the detectives. they allowed me to read significant reports. and the more they talked to me, the more