there is also jim eastland and as i read more about political history in 2006 and 2007 i started to seetales of conservative senators like jesse helms and orrin hatch. i was really surprised. i was surprised when i saw that people like ted kennedy and joe biden, and nelson, forgotten senator also went to jim eastland for advice or a quick pro quote from time to time. if i have the chance i pursued it. again, this is a story i got to know mississippi of great people, great food, great music. it is worth coming down here. i have not had a dull moment since i started this project. >> thank thank you. i will ask my follow-up question now and if you like we will open the floor to questions from the audience. the question is, as a both a reader and author of history books, one of the thing i think about is the relevance to the subject. even though it is said in the past what does it have to say it to today? what do i expect today's reader to take away from the subject that is going to be meaningful? so my question for you to the panelist in your particular subject, what is it that you would l