jim fallows knows .... -- the specific ago in this story. jim fallows knows a lot about.nce you outsource to places like china or mexico, you lose control. even with a global communication is hard to stay on top of those things. as charles fishman talked about in his article, they are not just bringing back the manufacturing of appliances themselves and the high end appliances. we have always had that -- the kind of menaker are treated because we have more skilled workers. but we can also start to manufacture the parts that go into the plane. not only does this give you better quality control and better ability to incrementally improve, but it also creates a virtuous cycle where you develop -- it is what happened in detroit years ago when the auto industry was booming. you are not just building one company. you are also building the suppliers and also the suppliers to the suppliers of boeing. twitterm wright's in on -- and the right-wing radical sums this up -- i want to go to georgia and in jacksonville floor on the republican line. good morning, george. caller: mayra ch