yes, jim farly says the mach e, that's a profitable vehicle.g to have to invest heavily you can't cut off the internal combustion business and say this is a separate business 100% and it's all evs if they were to do that they'd have steep hills to climb in terms of development costs, manufacturing. i wouldn't be surprised if we see them ultimately spin-off the ev business because of the growth potential there, but i don't think that's going to happen to anytime soon >> is this more about separating for business efficiencies or focus or also about making sure you're showing off to the street, hey, there's this very fancy ev business, that by the way ev businesses get higher multiples and so you should therefore give our stock higher. >> that's right. not only do they believe they can be more efficient with both of these businesses, and jim farly said last week there's a lot of waste in this company on the internal combosstion side of the business it's going to take some time to take out that waste, and he said they can get there by splitting off