over to you, sarah >> good morning, dom joining me this morning is jim fitterling, the ceo of dow chemicalwe are actually participating on a panel together here at the world economic forum about plastics. that's sort of interesting because you are getting out front on this issue for a company that makes plastics, some might be scratching their heads as to why you are tackling plastic waste. tell us what you are here to do. >> so last week in london we launched the alliance to end plastic waste. this is a cross-industry value chain alliance this is the first time -- this is the biggest alliance that's ever been put together to tackle this issue, and as you know, over the past year or so, the image of plastic waste in the environment, especially in the ocean, has captured the imagination of the word, and everybody agrees that it's a problem, including everybody in our industry we've gathered brand owners, retailers, waste management companies. all the resin producers in the plastics industry together have committed $1.5 billion to this initiative, and obviously, that's capital that needs to