i'm jim gillespie of yellow cab. the reason i come before you today, i want to leave something with you. coming up later this year will be a hearing that the tax division will hold. it's pore public convenience and necessities that determine cab usage here in san francisco to determine if more cabs are needed. peak time cabs as director heinicke has mentioned. my manager of our radio room dispatch office put together an extensive report, a detailed report, anyway that shows the yellow cab for this first half of this year, all the calls that came in on our phone system, all the trips that were taken by the drivers every time a meter was turned on. and really evaluates the whole service of the yellow cab. we represent over a third of the cabs in the city. so it's quite a good sampling of what would be happy here in san francisco. i'll leave the details of the report to you. i'd like to maybe just say in an overview process -- sufficient there. you'll be interested to see that as much as we're trying really hard to serv